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- By eqsanctum,
11 topics in this forum
Looking for opinions!
by eqsanctum- 2 followers
- 4 replies
One of the things I'm working on is a server side deployment of the entire mod structured for servers to use with stability and choice for it's users. I would like suggestions on which mods, which implementations, which modular concepts and any ideas anyone might have concerning this. Ultimately this will benefit the end user of the game, you. So please give me some opinions. Would you rather have you server roll it out? If so, how? Patcher? Manual download? Personal choice on the patcher? If this is something that interests you, by all means get your server admin to this post so they can share opinions and we can talk shop. Remember: This has already been done. W…
Need help to edit the group hud file
by Skolten- 2 followers
- 1 reply
Hello! I am working on a tweak of the group window in swg. I have been able to change the length and height of the health, action and mind bars, but i cant change the height of each single group members frame. What script controls this? I do not think it is within the group_hud Do anyone know if this tweak will be possible? I also would like to add the group window to more than one row, but not sure how to do that.
test what?
by eqsanctum- 1 follower
- 0 replies
What does Shadowfox do in his spare time? Manteca High School Buffaloes assistant coaching staff member [td][/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Certified Interscholastic Coach [/td] [td] February 15, 2018[/td] [td]First Aid, Health and Safety - California [/td] [td]February 15, 2018[/td] [td]Strength and Conditioning - California [/td] [td]February 14, 2018[/td] [td]Positive Sport Parenting - California[/td] [td] January 29, 2018[/td] [td]Social Media - California[/td] [td] January 29, 2018[/td] [td]Sports Nutrition - California [/td] [td]January 29, 2018[/td] [td]High School Heads Up Football Coach Certifi…
Friend Cant Register
by Istarym- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, sorry i looked for website help section, couldnt find it, i tried PMing mods, apparently i dont have PM priveleges, so im having to write it here I recently registered and installed some of your fabulous mods and whatnot, my friend seeing how smexy my version of the game had become wanted his to be smexy too, so i sent him here to register Now, the best i can tell you is when he tried to register there was no captcha/robot test thingy (my memory isnt great but i think for me it was a list with 8 words, 4 related to SW 4 meant nothing at all to me.) he says he saw no such thing, the first time or any subsequent times that he has tried So i told him to look for…
by Aso- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I'm first!
RedRazor's Damage Calc
by JadynKarn- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I was wondering if anyone knew the person who wrote this calc tool, if it is newish, or something made a long time ago, I am helping on a custom server and would like to somehow update a version of this for the custom server's damage multi and maybe add jedi support and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
Colourable Jedi Robes Mod...
by StepoKedur- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Pretty much what the title says mate! Is there a possibility to be able to recolour robes? If so would it recolour just the players or everyones? Cheers
Map Combo? :)
by StepoKedur- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi folks! Loving the SWG mods, and just installed Sytner's maps v2 Wondering if there would be plans (I know, it could be a pain in the backside) to add explorer places on Sytner's maps? Would be pure wonderful if that data was on one map. Keep up the awesome work - you know where to find me too, on SWG awakening
Square Water Fountain Texture??
by Himalayas- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey EQ, I was looking recently for the square fountain water texture replacement that's been floating around. It's just a nice high rez water texture. I was wondering if you had that texture or had it included in another texture pack on here. Thanks!! Awesome site, I use it alll the time!
Great Site!
by bigevil- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Love the centralized feel for downloads, and quite fast to boot. Interface is smooth and easy for old guy to use. Good work.
Awesome Credit work!
by shempoo- 1 follower
- 3 replies
- 6.8k views I can't remember how long ago I made that mod, and I am glad it's found new life in your complication @eqsanctum Looking through my forum posts on and on I was unable to find the post where I made it public, I think I must of posted this back in the day of modsource. I'm downloading your pack, and I'm coincidentally also trying SWG Reckoning, how do I find you in game?