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RedRazor's Damage Calc


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I was wondering if anyone knew the person who wrote this calc tool, if it is newish, or something made a long time ago, I am helping on a custom server and would like to somehow update a version of this for the custom server's damage multi and maybe add jedi support and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

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I took Redrazor's damage calc from a site I saw it on. It is here as a backup. If you can contact them so I can get full permission for archival purposes I would be very appreciative. With some automagic's I just loaded it up here. The calc itself is in it's entirety so I would go from there. I know nothing about the JS it's been written in.

On the top of the calc it says "IGN Basilisk Server: Amellan" so there's your first start :) That's where I've been looking for months.

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