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Colourable Jedi Robes Mod...


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Pretty much what the title says mate! Is there a possibility to be able to recolour robes? If so would it recolour just the players or everyones? Cheers :)

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Are you talking about recoloring like armor does in game?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aye mate. Ideally just your own robes, rather than everyone elses having the same recolour as you.

(Also I wonder what the chances of it being implemented within a SWGemu server? Who knows!

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Well it depends. If somehow in the future we can get the client to read unknown objects (robes) that aren't signed to the original client, then yes it's possible. Right now, no it's not. Also, it would need to be something server included, so everyone would be able to do it. Again this is "currently"

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