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SWG: SWG Craft

What is SWGCraft, and why would I want to use it?

SWGCraft is a website used by crafters / hunters / surveyors to see current and past resource spawns, in order to determine what resources to go after, or see what are "server best" resources for a given item. All resource information is entered by players, so it is only as "up-to-date" as players make it. For this reason, there is a lot of missing data, due to periods of time when no players were entering information.

How do I look for resources on SWGCraft?

On the main page of SWGCraft (http://www.swgcraft.co.uk/dev/home.php), there are two places you can click to see what resources are currently listed as "in spawn".


Make sure you then select SWGCanon as the server. You don't want to see what is current on someone else's server! There is also an option to see spawns on all planets, or to choose only one planet.


This lets you browse through a long list of all the resources available, categorized by type. You can see which planets a resource is available on, when it was marked available (if it's been a long time, you know it may be close to despawning), and what its stats are.

The 2-letter abbreviations are each stat on the resource, and underneath that you can see what the value is for each stat. The percentages below show what % of the cap that stat is. Many resource stats cap at 1000, which means you might have a value anywhere between 1 - 1000, but some resources cap lower, so a 689 on a resource that caps at 700 is 98.4% of the cap. Just remember, for the percentages, colorful numbers are best.


Browsing is all well and good, but how do I find the best resources, quickly?

Scroll back up to the top of the page and click "Find Resources." Say you want to find the best resources to make a republic blaster. You need 7 units of metal, 35 units of plumbum iron, and 18 units of ferrous metal. You know you need the Overall Quality and Conductivity to be the best they can be, and each of these stats makes up 50% of the overall crafting equation.

Fill out the information, selecting your resource type from the drop-down menu, be sure to choose our server, and enter the % you need in each stat. You could also check the box to search by only available resources.


You get a list of resources, best at the top, that fit the bill. You can see if the resource is availabe (it will have a number showing how many planets it's available on), or will say No if it is a past spawn.


What if I have no idea what resources or stats I need?

Never fear! You can search for that. Go back to the top of the page and click View Schematics. Here, you can scroll down through every schematic, or choose a profession, skill, or category to search by. I have chosen Armorsmith.


Click on the schematic you want to know about. There, you can see all the resources you need, and on the right, which stats are important for which qualities you want to experiment on.


How do I contribute and add or remove resources?

First, you must register a username and password on the website. Once you've done that and you are logged in, go back to the top of the page and select View Current Resources. Choose a planet from the drop-down menu.

Marking something unavailable is very easy. If you see that something has despawned, but is still listed on SWGCraft as available, just check the unavailable checkbox, and then click the "Mark selected as unavailable" button. You can select more than one checkbox at a time.

You will be taken to a page to confirm that you really want to do this.


Adding resources is also fairly easy. I find that the easiest way to do this is to enter the information in your in-game /notepad, and then copy & paste it into SWGCraft. Much less alt-tabbing. You need to have your planet selected in the drop-down, then scroll to the very bottom of the page. In the large text field, you'll type "swgcraft_start", and then on the next line(s), all your resource information, then on the last line, "swgcraft_end". Resource info is entered by typing the resource name,resource type,stat,stat,stat...etc. Commas in between and no spaces around the commas. See below picture for example.


You'll again be taken to a page to confirm your actions. Look it over and make sure all the fields are filled in. If some are blank, you may have misspelled something or forgotten a comma.

There's a lot more than this to SWGCraft, but this guide covers the basics for searching & entering resources. I hope you take the time to check out SWGCraft, and that you find it useful!

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