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SWG: Crafting/Entertainer/Doctor/Sample/Combat/Image Design/Misc Macros

Macro: Craft

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/ui action toolbarSlot04;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/macro craft2;

/pause 7;

/macro craft;

Macro: Craft2

/ui action toolbarSlot05;

/pause 1;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 1;

/ui action defaultButton;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 1;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause .5;

/ui action defaultButton;

/ui action defaultButton;

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Auto-log Macro

In order to get this macro to work, the character you wish to re-log must be at the top of the character select list when you log it in. You can adjust the list by ordering according to name, or planet but the character must be at the top to work.

MACRO: autoLog

/pause 1800;


/ui action gameMenuActivate;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 4;

/ui action defaultButton;

/macro autoLog;

Macro Set - Starbane's Original Autolog Post

Well, it has only taken me 6 months of trying to figure this one out, but I FINALLY got a macro to work and Alexa has successfully auto logged in for about the past week now. So I thought I would share with you all for all the private city buffers I know we have. This could also work for people grinding dancer/musician. Just remove the /invite and change the dance or song to what is current for you.


/startdance exotic4;

/pause 130;



/ui action defaultButton;

/ui action toolbarSlot00; (stand)

/pause 5;


/startmusic virtuoso;

/pause 130;



/pause 1;


/ui action defaultButton;

/macro relog;

***NOTE*** Toolbar on top left has the "stand" Icon in it. However I bet this could be replaced with just /stand

Also, if you have the macros copied from the forums, this one will replace the dance and music macro. You still need to use the "buff" and "BUFFINVITE" macros.

For this to work you MUST have your character facing North. And facing a chair. Get kind of close to the chair for the cursor to be able to stay in same spot with each relog. I recommend you try it a few restarts before letting your ent go solo. Also the character at the top of your character selection screen will be the one to log in. You can change which character that is (to a point) by clicking the Name bar at the top.

Hopefully we will not need this much longer since the TC up-time looks AWESOME these days!!! But here it is for the meantime for those who may want it. Any questions, just ask

~~PS...with all the buffers we have online now (which is AWESOME!) please, for the sake of general chat, keep your spam macros on a minimum of 20 minutes. I have mine on 30 minutes which still seems too much. But this way people's chat and questions won't get lost in spam. Thanks!

Macro Set - Acara Example

/startdance something;

/macro mindBuffFlo;

/pause 140;


/startmusic somethingElse;

/startmusic; (in case someone in group is already playing a song other than "somethingElse")

/macro mindBuffFlo;

/pause 140;



/macro DanceMusicBuff;

/pause 300;

/macro DanceMusicBuff;

/pause 300;

/macro DanceMusicBuff;

/pause 300;

/macro DanceMusicBuff;

/pause 300;

/macro DanceMusicBuff;

/pause 300;

/macro softlog;

/pause 20;

/macro mindBuff;

Macro Set - Draconius Example

first run this command in spatial :

/alias ll /invite

now u run a series of macros as one the main one that will fire off all the other macro's

/say Soft logging back soon;

/pause 3;

/ui action gameMenuActivate;

/pause 1;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 2;

/ui action defaultButton;

/pause 1;

/macro relogs;

/pause 1;

/macro Tellinvite;

/pause 1;

/macro buff;

/pause 1800;


/macro softlog;

in this macro u will see 3 other macro's firing off they are


/say Welcome to the cantina, Buffing 125% both music and dance Please send tell for invite .. Please softlog if you don't get an invite;

/startdance exotic4;

/pause 140;


/ui action defaultButton;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/pause 6;

/say Welcome to the cantina, Buffing 125% both music and dance Please send tell for invite...Please softlog if you don't get an invite;


/pause 1;

/startband jazz;

/pause 140;


/ui action defaultButton;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/pause 6;

/macro relogs;


/pause 15;

/ui action startChatReply;

/ui action chatCursorHome;

/ui action chatCursorRight;

/ui action chatDelete;

/ui action chatDelete;

/ui action chatEnter;

/tell (your ents name) Clearing tell target.;

/macro TellInvite;


/flourish 1;

/pause 2;

/flourish 1;

/pause 2;

/macro buff;

Macro Set - Parrot Example

Macro #1 buffinvite

/ui action targetAtCursor;

/pause 2;


/ui action targetAtCursorStop;

/pause 1;

/tt Please vacate the chair after you have been invited so that others may join.;

/pause 1;

/tt If you are not receiving an invite, the group is either full or you are already in a group.;

/pause 2;

/ui action untarget;

/pause 10;


Macro #2 buff

/flourish 1;

/pause 2;

/flourish 2;


/pause 2;

/flourish 3;

/pause 2;

/flourish 4;


/pause 2;

/flourish 5;

/pause 3;

/flourish 6;


/pause 3;

/flourish 7;

/pause 3;

/flourish 8;


/pause 3;

/flourish 1;

/pause 3;

/flourish 2;

/pause 2;

/flourish 3;

/pause 2;

/flourish 3;

/pause 2;

/macro buff;

Macro #3 dance

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/pause 1.1;

/bellow Please sit in the chair in front of me for an invite!;

/pause 1.1;

/group Dance buff starting. Don't forget to "watch" me.";

/pause 1.1;

/ui action clearCombatQueue;

/startdance exotic2;

/pause 40;

/bellow Buffing dance and music.;

/group 90 seconds remaining.;

/pause 30;

/group 60 seconds remaining.;

/bellow Buffing dance and music.;

/pause 1;

/bellow Please sit in the chair in front of me for an invite!;

/pause 40;

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/group 20 seconds remaining.;

/pause 20;

/group Dance buff about to end. Stay for music if needed.;

/pause 5;

/ui action clearCombatQueue;



/pause 5;

/macro music;

Macro #4 music

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/pause 1.1;

/bellow Please sit in the chair in front of me for an invite!;

/pause 1.1;

/group Music buff starting. Don't forget to "listen" to me.;

/pause 1.1;

/ui action clearCombatQueue;

/startmusic virtuoso;

/pause 40;

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/group 90 seconds remaining.;

/pause 30;

/group 60 seconds remaining.;

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/pause 1.1;

/bellow Please sit in the chair in front of me for an invite!;

/pause 40;

/bellow Buffing dance and music;

/group 20 seconds remaining.;

/pause 20;

/group Music buff about to end. Stay for dance if needed.;

/pause 5;

/ui action clearCombatQueue;



/pause 5;

/macro dance;

I start by dancing then run macro, #1, 2, and 3, number 4 will run by itself no need to start it, good luck

Macro Set - Pacbell Example


/macro buffinvite;

/macro buffdance;



/macro buffinvite;

/macro buffmusic;



/ui action targetAtCursor;

/pause 2;


/pause 2;

/ui action targetAtCursorStop;

/pause 1;

/tt Please vacate the chair after you have been invited so that others may join.;

/pause 1;

/tt If you are not receiving an invite, the group is either full or you are already in a group or have an invite for one.;

/pause 2;

/ui action untarget;

/pause 2;

/macro buffinvite;


/pause 2;

/startd exotic4;

/pause 16;

/macro buffrun;

/pause 118;

/macro buffdanceend;


/pause 4;

/pause 15;


/pause 7;

/ui action untarget;

/pause 2;


/pause 2;

/macro buffmusic;



/pause 2;

/startm virtuoso;

/pause 16;

/macro buffrun;

/pause 118;

/macro buffmusicend;



/pause 4;

/pause 15;


/pause 7;

/ui action untarget;

/pause 2;


/pause 2;

/macro buffdance;




/macro buffrunflo;

/groupc Allllrighty then! You know the drill... watch when I dance and listen when I play!;

/pause 40;

/macro buffrunflo;

/pause 22;

/groupc One minute left. Please keep my Action healed - If you do not your buff may be interrupted;

/pause 6;

/say I'm here and buffing;

/pause 1;

/say Just sit in the chair in front of me for invite;

/pause 5;

/groupc Tips are not required but very much appreciated. I do like to buy pretty clothes.... and oh yes SHOES!

/pause 5;

/macro buffrunflo;


/flo 1;

/pause 1;

/flo 2;

/pause 1;

/flo 3;

/pause 1;

/flo 4;

/pause 1;

/flo 5;

/pause 1;

/flo 6;

/pause 1;

/flo 7;

/pause 1;

/flo 8;

/pause 1;

/flo 1;

/pause 1;

/flo 3;

/pause 1;

/flo 5;

/pause 1;

/flo 7;

/pause 1;

/flo 2;

/pause 1;

/flo 4;

/pause 1;

/flo 6;

/pause 1;

/flo 8;

/pause 1;

/flo 1;

/pause 1;

/flo 4;

/pause 1;

/flo 7;

/pause 1;

/flo 2;

/pause 1;

/flo 5;

/pause 1;

/flo 8;

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