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[Tool]Sweet FX Setup Made For SWGEmu (Original)


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Sweet FX Setup Made For SWGEmu (Original)

ReShade  is an  advanced post-processing injector.  It features  its very  own
effect  language, based  on  HLSL, which  not  only  makes  API  and  platform
independent  shaders  possible, but  also introduces  a wide  range  of useful
features designed especially for post-processing effect development.
In contrast  to all the existing injectors ReShade was written to be completly
generic:  it itself does not come with  any effects, it's a toolset for shader
developers to realize  their very own  imagination. Define  and use  your  own
textures right in the shader code, request custom timers etc., retrieve access
to every  game's color  and depthbuffer (which  ReShade is  able to  genericly
identify and hook across  games without any extra configuration), no matter if
it renders with Direct3D8 (which is wrapped to Direct3D9 to allow using higher
shadermodels), Direct3D9, Direct3D10, Direct3D11 or OpenGL (and in  both 32bit
and 64bit). A highly advanced dynamic hooking system is reponsible for keeping
track of the APIs. And  because ReShade as mentioned comes with its own shader
transpiler, shaders written once work in all five.



Use at your own risk!


This version is 2.0, specifically the one that has proven to work best with SWGEmu Basilisk and private AGPL servers.


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