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[JTL] Tansarii Station Flight Guide


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In my quest of immigrating to the Starsider server, I decided to take my time and start the tutorial, pilot style. The green text involves pilot content.[i'll work on coloring the text later.] The pilot quests that I cover come from Hanger Bay 1. For completing the line of missions, you receive a badge "...saved Tansarii Point Station from the Black Sun." If you finished that quest line before the badge was added, then you're bugged out of a badge. I tried ticking the CSRs, but they couldn't grant me the badge.



Getting Started:



The first part loaded me in the medical bay. C-3P0 shows up on-screen and instructs me around the room. Everywhere I have to go, I am pointed to by an idiot-proof line. First, I am instructed to take a pistol from a box. With that, I get to shoot up 3 explosive boxes with the blasters. Then, I have to blast the door switch to open the door. On the other side, Solo and Chewie, accompanied by the dynamic duo of droids. Han tells me to follow him down the hall, to the hanger bay. I help him pick off 4 storm-troopers guarding the entrance ramp to the Millenium Falcon. I walk up the ramp and it lauches. Here, we enter a very StarWarsy scenario. Three Tie Fighters are chasing, and he asks me to climb the turret. With the falcon and the Ties flying at noob speed, using the turret is not hard at all. Afterward, we jump to hyperspace and land at Tansarii station in the new sector.


First order of business aboard the station, profession specific work. I chose medic, so I was sent to sick-bay to help out with several healing tasks. Upon completion, I return to Solo to find out that his hyperdrive has been badly damaged, like in EP5. I am sent around the station to contact the ship mechanic, but he refuses service since Boba Fett is in the area searching for solo. Then, Solo sends me around the station to find the parts manually. Once he has them, he sends me to the job coordinator.



Hanger Bay 1:



Note: the Tansarii Station uses the same skin as the generic planetary docking stations.


Note: the Gamma Station is best compared (cosmetically) to the Avatar Platform above Kashyyk. It is an asteriod with some buildings in a crater. It is a Dungeon. You can go aboard by /comm ing it. Several ground based quests from Tansarii require flying to and going aboard the station for specific tasks.


The job coordinator gives me a variety of options, so I pick the option of work in Hanger Bay 1. He gives me the option of several pilots to work for. I pick the last (best) one. After finding him, he tells me that I'm not experienced enough, so I went to the easy pilot. He sends me to the droid room to find his datapad (BAH!!)


After finishing his quest, I notice the pilot trainer near the entrance of the hanger bay. I talk to him. MIssion 1: He gives me a basic skills test mission. I am to launch (via the green terminal) into space and fly to Ord Mandell. So I launch, and I appear in space in a Scyke. A pilot trainer screen immediately prompts me, with the icon of the funky door-answer-er-thing-droid at Jabba's palace door. Since I'm a seasoned pilot, I closed the window and proceed to customize my controls. I then proceed to the waypoint. To my suprise, it was only 1800 meters away, a noob-speed-friendly distance. Once I reached it, I was told to proceed home. There are no abushes or any combat on the way back either. It's just a test of controls and basic know-how. I return to the station and dock. Mission 2: A simple partrol between Station and Ord Mandell. I killed a single Black Sun Fighter and my mission was complete. Mission 3: An escort mission (BAH!!) Simply fly to the waypoint to escort a pilot to his hyperspace point. You'd expect a dunelizzard to fly faster than 108, but that's a typical escort. Resistance consists of 1 wave of 2 Black Sun fighters. It's a piece of cake.


After the 3 missions for the trainer, I was sent to Laetin, a pilot in the hanger 1 office. Mission 1: A simple infiltration run, aka a patrol mission. After a few waypoints, I was sent to inspect a "mysterious mining ship. I inspected, disabled, and docked with it. It contianed valuable info. After un-docking with it, an ambush of 3 appears. After destroying them, I was sent to a point near the station to give the info to another ship via docking. Mission 2: Escort mission with two waves of Black Sun resistance. Then return to Tansarii Station. Mission 3: I was sent to give information to an ally ship. When the ship showed up, so did a wave of Black Sun. After defeating the Black Sun, I docked with it. I was then sent to a point past the station to give my sensor data to another fighter. This fighter also includes a Black Sun ambush of 2 fighters. After docking, the mission is complete. Mission 4: This one involves a suprise attack on the Black Sun. I first had to patrol the laggy nebula, and was eventually attacked by 4 Black Sun Khiraxzes. After them, I proceeded to the next waypoint. I was then attacked by a Black Sun Rhyxzirk. That was my last mission for Laetin. I then tried the other pilots in that room. Luckily, I got work from Alaes.


Alaes' missions - Mission 1: This mission starts with a few waypoints patrol. After the patrol is finished, mission gets kinda tricky. There was no instruction about what to do next, but I saw a counter on my screen. After some testing, I figured out that I needed to destroy 4 Black Sun Ixyens at the nearby spawn to complete the mission. Mission 2: Hunt down and disable a stolen Z95; destroy its escort. Escort it to base while fending off 5 waves of 2 Black Sun each. After the fighter is safe, go to the next waypoint to "repair" [dock with] a disabled fighter. Escorting it back; fight one wave of BS. After it is safe, go home. On the way home, an ambush of 6 appears. After beating it, you're clear to land. Mission 3: Shoot down 4 Khiraxzes at a spawn. Note: the counters are severly bugged; they sometimes count in reverse. If there isn't any counting, you're probably shooting the wrong kind of fighter. Most of these missions don't designate which fighter to shoot, so you'll have to shoot around. After the 4, go to the WP to dock with a Dunelizzard and escort it to base. Resistance consists of a wave of 4 and one of 3. After it hyperspaces away, proceed to the next WP for another escort mission. Resistance includes waves of 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, and 4. Done. Mission 4: You have to shoot 2 fighters at a local spawn, WP included. After that, 4 targets appear: 3 of them are missile slugging Rhykzirk. AFter that wave, you have to hunt down a BS hero in another Rhyk.


Dartas' missions - These ones are a bit harder than the previous trainers' missions. While they are harder in some areas, they are still soloable without droid commands. Mission 1: Go to WP and shoot down 5 BS Bloodstalker Khiraxzes from the natural spawn. Travel to next WP and shoot down 5 BS spy khiraxzes from another natural spawn. Mission 2: Note: this mission features the Natural Spawn From Hell. The fighters continually follow you when you try to leave, and respawn faster than you can kill them. If anything, fly not to the next WP, but to the station for repairs. Too bad we can't use IFF Scrambler. First, follow the nav to the Natural Spawn from Hell to shoot down 5 BS fighters. After successfully escaping the spawn, hunt down a leader and his guards, all in Rhyks. The second part of the mission is a repeat of what I just explained. After Rinsing and Repeating, go back to base. Mission 3, the Final Attack: Proceed to the WP and shoot down 2 Rhykxzirks at the spawn. Hunt down a BS leader and his guard squad, in Rhykxzirks. On the way to the next waypoint, a squad of 4 BS will ambush; beat them and proceed. At the last point, team up with 4 cardas fighters against 4 Black Sun fighters. After they're clear, go home and celebrate. Congradulations, you beat the Black Sun out of Ord Mandell. As a parting gift, Dartas gives you 10K. This is when you should get the badge mentioned in the intro.



General Comments



Laggy (though it may just be my laptop and the connection.)


Very Starwarsy indeed.


Frequent loot drops in space, though nearly all of it is cert 1.


The ground combat is easy, and I'll bet doable by traders, like shipwrights. As L2, I was able to take out L5 npcs.


As the pilot missions get more advanced, the payment increases.


It suffers a similar problem as original JTL missions did; dangerous spawns near missions.


You are given a scyke to fly. You access it from the green terminal in Hanger Bay 1. It can be upgraded with other cert 1 parts; press '~' key on the terminal; double clicking will make you launch. After you leave the station, you can access your scyke in the Mos Eisley Starport.


To be done with the tutorial, you must reach level 5 or higher. You can do this by either doing quests from people aboard the station or grinding in the droid room or Station Gamma. For leveling near 5, I recommend Station Gamma. The NPCs respawn quickly but generally don't mass agro...OK, well some do. Once you reach L5 and want to leave, talk to Han Solo. Once he agrees, you'll load in the Mos Eisly Starport.


Upgrading your ship: During your fighter time in the tutorial, you will loot components from your enemies. Some of these components will have stats better than the prototype parts loaded into your noob scyke. Also, your scyke is not equipped with a booster, something that you'll loot early on. To access your ship's loadout, go to the green ship terminal. Instead of double-clicking it, use the '~' key and select "manage ship." You'll have access to your ships loadout. The menu is self explanitory. Select the catagory and expand it to view the loaded and availible components. Use the "load" and "unequip" buttons. Since you cannot sign onto a squad until you leave the station, you are only certed for level 1 equipment. Save the higher level equipment for once you get off the station and sign on a squad.


Save as much of the loot you don't need until your inventory is full. Once you land at Mos Eisly, you can sell your unneeded loot to chassies dealers. Be carefull not to sell anything you don't want to part with, because you can't get it back.

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