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How to setup keybinds


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How to setup keybinds

Yes you can change these options via the keymap.

Understanding your Keymapping Options

Here is a guide to help you understand some of the basic keymapping options. You can find information on the following actions here:

* Understanding the different Keymap window options.

* The list of actions that make up the default Star Wars Galaxies keymap.

* How to re-bind your keyboard to activate actions and attacks.

* How to rebinding an Attack or Action.

Understanding the different Keymap window options

These are the major options for using your Star Wars Galaxies interface. You can find these options by pressing "O" to open your Options window followed by pressing the "Keymap". The options are found on the lower half of the keymap window.

Load a Standard Keymap

This is a drop-down menu with two options. The two options are:

Star Wars Galaxies: This is the default user interface set up for SWG. With this option, your left mouse and right mouse buttons will be your primary and secondary action/attack. To perform a secondary action/attack, you will have to queue up the action or ability and then press the right button on your mouse to fire the attack or use your action.

Star Wars Galaxies Classic: Selecting this option is _ exactly _ the same as the default SWG keymap except that the "Disable strafing with turn keys" option is unchecked.

Mouse Pointer Mode Default (Default On)

If this box is checked, you will be using the Mouse Pointer Mode. Un-checking this box will put you in Mouse Look Mode.

Mouse Pointer Mode: Mouse Pointer Mode is when you have an arrow as your cursor that you can move around (which is the default). You have to hold right click to move the camera.

Mouse Look Mode: Mouse Look Mode puts a targeting reticle in the center of the screen. When you move your mouse, your camera will move around based on your mouse movements.

Chase Camera Mode (Default On)

"Chase Camera" sets your in-game camera (what you see) so that the 3rd person camera stays behind your avatar (character) most of the time. When the chase camera is off, you can move your camera around your avatar.

You can also turn the Chase Camera on and off by pressing the period "." on your number pad.

Enable strafing with the turn keys (Default On)

Strafing is the ability to run left or right while shooting forward at your targets. When this box is checked, the pressing "A" will move your character to strafe left. Pressing "D" will move your character to "strafe" right".

If you turn this off, your character will stand in one spot and rotate left by pressing "A" and rotate right by pressing "D".

Actions can be fired from the toolbar (Default On)

This setting controls whether your secondary actions and special abilities are activated by right mouse-clicking or not.

If this box is checked, you will launch special attacks and secondary actions by queuing the action up in the toolbar and then right-clicking the mouse.

If you un-check this box, you will have to "re-bind" all of your abilities to keys on your keyboard. Number keys and Function keys (also known as F keys) are the most commonly used keys.

Middle Mouse Drives Movement (Default Off)

This option is part of the "Mouse-Only" movement options that was added so that people could control their character with one hand. If your mouse has a scroll wheel that is also a button, turning this option on will make your character move forward.

Please note that if you check the box and turn the option on, you will have to use your "+" and "-" keys to pan (or move) your camera towards and away from your character. You can find a full list of camera movement options under the "Camera" tab of the Keymap window.

Scroll through Default Actions with Mouse (Default Off)

Also part of the "Mouse-Only" movement options, this option is so that you can choose your secondary attack with your scroll wheel on your mouse.

When this option is turned on, you can use your mouse wheel to scroll through all of the abilities and actions on your toolbar by scrolling the mouse wheel.

Enable modal chat (pressing a key to use chat) (Default On)

When Modal Chat is enabled, you use a keystroke (default ENTER) to type chat into the chat window. If this option is not enabled, typing letters and numbers on your keyboard will always be entered into the chat window.

It again seems that this is a misunderstanding of the functionality. You can bind a key to perform both Primary Action & Attack. You can also bind a key to individual functions of Primary Action or Attack.

The default Star Wars Galaxies keymap

Here is the default list of options for the default Star Wars Galaxies keymap:

* Your left mouse button as your primary attack/action (This is the Actions can be fired from the toolbar option).

* Your right mouse button as your secondary attack/action. To activate these actions and abilities, you have to queue up your action or ability on the toolbar and right-click your mouse button. (This is the Actions can be fired from the toolbar option).

* Mouse Pointer Mode is on (Mouse Pointer Mode is when you have an arrow as your cursor that you can move around). You have to hold right click to move the camera.

* Chase Camera Mode is on. "Chase Camera" sets your in-game camera (what you see) so that the 3rd person camera stays behind your avatar (character) most of the time. When the chase camera is off, you can move your camera around your avatar.

* Disable strafing with the turn keys is turned on.

* Enable modal chat (pressing a key to use chat) (Default On)

How to re-bind your keyboard to activate actions and attacks

If you would prefer to activate your actions and attacks with your keyboard instead of your mouse, here is how you do it:

1. Go into your Options window by pressing "O".

2. Click the "Keymap" button on the left hand side of your Options window.

3. Uncheck the box in the BOTTOM half of the keymap window that says, "Actions can be fired from the Toolbar".

4. Click the tab on the TOP half of the Keymap window that says, "TARGET".

5. Re-map your Primary Action , Primary Attack and Secondary Attack options to the keys you wish to use.

6. Click the UI tab on the TOP half of the keymap widow. Here, you will find options to remap your Toolbar Panes and Toolbar Slots. F-Keys or Number keys are the most common choices to re-map these options.

Toolbar Panes are the different rows that you can switch on your toolbar.

Toolbar Slots are the buttons that are on each Toolbar Pane.

Rebind these keys, click "Apply" and "Ok" and you are done!

How to Rebind an Attack or Action

Rebinding commands, attacks or actions is called "Keymapping". Keymapping allows you to assign different keys to all sorts of commands, attacks and actions to suit your needs.

Here is how you do it:

1. Go into your Options window by pressing "O"

2. Click the "Keymap" button on the left hand side of your Options window.

3. Use the tabs in the TOP half of the Keymap window to find the option you wish to rebind or "map".

4. When you find the command, attack or action you wish to rebind, click on the row. You will know you picked the right one because it will be highlighted.

5. Click the "Rebind" button.

6. A "Keybinding Entry" window will open up. Now, when you press a key, it will show up in the window. Whatever you press will be the key you will bind your action to. You can change it again if you wish.

Once you have made your final choice, click the "Ok" button.

If there is an important action that is bound to the key you chose, the next box will ask you if you are sure about the choice. If you accidentally un-bind an important action, it's ok because you can just re-bind the action.

7. Click "Apply" and "Ok" and you are done!

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