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Permission and functions opening up!




Today I am focusing on setting up the proper permissions for the site.

  • A good portion of the site will be going behind site membership, more than before. Due to increasing security issues around the net it is important to get better security in place to keep breaches from happening. 
  • Starting today all members will now have the option to 2FA on their profiles. It is not required. 
  • Starting today, all members will have the option of becoming "verified". More on that later. It will allow you to use the internal blog system, file upload system, gallery and more.
  • Starting today the support system will begin accepting support requests. This is specific to modifications for games directly downloaded from here. I will not offer any support for outside downloads at this time, since it is just me.
  • Several "extras" are being added in the background.
  • A new member rank called "DayZ roleplayers" is specifically for people who used the character system I had in place on quarantined RP


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